Friday 15 May 2009

Interview with Musharraf

Para quem vai ficar em casa esse finde e tem tv Cnn, aproveite para ver a entrevista com o Musharraf! Domingo dia 15 as 16:00hrs no Brasil. In Pakistan at 1am
This week on GPS, an exclusive interview with former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. If Pakistan and Afghanistan are the biggest global stories of the moment (and they are), the man who can shed the most light on them is surely Pervez Musharraf - the man who resigned from power in Pakistan just nine months ago. Make sure not to miss GPS this Sunday(15th) at 1pm and 5pm.

Next week former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is on the show. What questions should Fareed ask him? Tell us what you think and why. Email us at

Musharraf not ruling out running for office

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who took control in a bloodless coup and left office under threat of impeachment, is not ruling out the possibility that he'll run for office once the law allows.

Musharraf, speaking on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," said he wishes the current government well and that he "would be the happiest person" if the nation deals well with threats such as the growing political and martial strength of the Taliban.
"But one is concerned about Pakistan, certainly," he said on the program, which is scheduled to air Sunday. "One does get concerned about where are we headed and what are we doing.
Pakistan is in trouble and if any Pakistani, myself included -- if you can see that we can do something for it -- well ... my life is for Pakistan," he said.
Musharraf, once Pakistan's army chief, resigned under intense political pressure in August.
He had swept to power in 1999 in a bloodless coup, removing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and appointing himself president in 2001, while remaining the head of the military.

Considered an ally by the United States in the fight against Islamic extremists in the region, he was criticized for impeding democratic elections in 2008 -- including delaying the elections, suspending the country's constitution, restricting the media and having political protesters arrested.
Ultimately, his political party -- Muslim League-Q -- finished third in the voting and he stepped down only after the ruling coalition announced it would seek to impeach him.
But now, President Asif Ali Zardari has public approval ratings around 19 percent. When asked by Zakaria if Zardari has the public backing needed to fight the Taliban, Musharraf suggested he does not.
He noted that Zardari, the widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, was elected by two-thirds of Pakistan's parliament.

"Democratically, he's elected by two-thirds. And these are the people who are the representatives of the same people you're talking of -- 19 percent in favor ... ," he said.
"So, there's a dichotomy. You can analyze it yourself."
Some 1.5 million people have been displaced by 10 months of fighting between the Pakistani military and the Taliban along the country's border with Afghanistan, the chief minister of North West Frontier Province estimated Thursday.
With a government offensive against the
Taliban nearly three weeks old, a spokesman for Pakistan's army insisted that the military intends to drive the Taliban out of the contested area. Musharraf said deals with the Taliban several years ago that allowed the group some power were a mistake because "it was not from a position of strength" by Pakistan
But, if the military is able to take the upper hand, more deals may be needed to calm fighting by the fundamentalist group. Any deal, Musharraf said, would require that the Taliban in Pakistan not support
Al Qaeda and not go into Afghanistan to fight against U.S. and coalition troops.
"I think the line of going for political deals, political compromises, is correct," he said. "We must do it -- even if we are doubtful of some of the people involved in the signing."
Musharraf said the laws under which he stepped down would allow him to run for office in Pakistan in six months -- although he doesn't intend to do so.

"We're not running for office in six months," he said. "I'm on lecture circuits. I'm enjoying this professional activity of giving lectures, which I could never imagine, as a military man, that I'd be doing."
Then, if Muslim League-Q asked him to run as their presidential candidate? "They haven't asked me yet," he said. "Let them ask me first and then I'll reply."

Prefiro o Musharraf no poder do que esse Zardari... todos sabem que ele matou sua esposa a Benazir... o cara esta estancado la no poder sugando tudo o que pode e nao faz nada... Musharraf foi corrupto, mas pelo menos fez algumas coisas, como o Passaporte.. nem isso o povo tinha descente.. sabe aquela coisa de 1900? Olhos: Dois, Nariz: um, Cabelo: tem... ahuahuhaa uma coisa bem assim. Tambem mandou registrar o povo, todos adquiriram a carteira de Identidade! Quem depende da Net pra falar com o namopak sabe quanto utimamente tem faltado luz la...
Ja notaram o tamanho do interesse dos EUA no Paquistao? Ja se perguntou o porque?


Gab's said...

Ca.... uma sugestão de post: acho q vc poderia fazer comentários sobre a novela caminho das índias, comparando o que os personagens fazem com o que os paquistaneses fazem, as semelhanças e diferenças... pras pessoas entenderem um pouco mais sobre o paquistão.

Carol said...

Opaa Gab's pode deixar que esta estou preparando o topico, gracias!

para quem viu o documentarioo..
teve varias perolas aff, o Musharraf disse: Dont call me Busharraf, but I like Bush alot

hauhahauhuaha ninguem merece

Ana said...

Amiga tu num vai comprar briga politica por aquelas bandas não hein! hehehehe


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