A primeira vez que vim pra ca, queria ir ao banheiro para me arrumar, mas procurando quando me dei conta ja estava do lado de fora do aeroporto... aff e num me deixaram voltar, fiquei naquele aperto.
O novo aeroporto vai se chamar Benazir Bhutto,... alias tudo agora vai ter esse nome, hehhe a populacao estao protestando pq querem colocar o nome dela numa moeda que tem atualmente a face do fundador do Paquistao, e a Benazir infelizmente num chegou a fazer nada pelo Pak, quem fez foi seu pai Bhutto, muito famoso e adimirado.
Eu vi as fotos do aeroporto de Lahore, wowo eh mto bom, ate o de peshawar ganha de 10 a 0 desse aqui.. aff ja estava na hora, ainda mais pq eh a capital do pais.. queima o filme...
Pra vc ter nocao o tamanho dele num eh nem 10% do de Cumbica...
Infelizmente so achei as informacoes em ingles:
From Wikipedia
Islamabad International Airport or Chaklala Airbase (Urdu: چکلالہ) (IATA: ISB, ICAO: OPRN) is the third largest airport in Pakistan, it is located in Rawalpindi, Punjab. It has been renamed Benazir Bhut
Situated outside the capital city of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto International Airport handles VIP passengers who are foreign diplomats or high government or military officials. The Rawal Lounge has been designated for use by such passengers. It provides an executive environment with all the required facilities for such high-profile distinguished guests. [5] There are separate lounges for international and domestic economy passengers. The domestic and international lounges have been provided with all the required facilities that include snack bars, satellite TV, public telephone and Internet services. There are also lounges for transit passengers who may be travelling further internationally or domestically. The lounges also have designated prayer areas. The CIP/VIP lounge can be used by first and business class passengers travelling on international or domestic flights. Passengers have to be issued an airline card from the check-in staff. The cost is USD 6.00 per international passenger and 100 rupees for domestic passengers. There are also light savoury snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, satellite TVs, newspapers and magazines, telephones, fax facilities, and free wireless Internet. Passengers who require banks which offer credit card facilities can use Askari Bank Ltd.
The airport has a wide variety of duty-free shops, restaurants, free wireless Internet services and a souvenir shop. The current airport is able to handle 11 wide body aircraft at one time, with additional five parking places for light general aviation aircraft. At the moment, the airport does not have any air bridges installed, so buses take the passengers from the airport terminal to the aircraft where air stairs are used.
There are numerous television monitors and mobile connecting points in the terminal to allow passengers to check flight times and recharge their phones. There are a string of financial exchange counters and commercial banks such as National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Ltd, and MCB Bank Ltd. MCB and Royal Bank of Scotland [formerly ABN AMRO Bank] have also launched ATMs that are linked to the global MasterCard, Cirrus and Maestro networks.
Aeroporto sem freshop eu consigo sobreviver, mas sem banheiro... socoooooooooooooro!
Imagina a situação, você num aeroporto com trilhões de preocupações na sua cabeça e ainda por cima sem banheiro... onde o povo consegue relaxar as tensões pré-embarque?
ai nem me fala
eh mto tosco aquele aeroporto
ainda bem q estao fazendo um novo
nice post.
Pakistani Clothes
we should also not ignore Energy Crises in Pakistan
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